суббота, 1 июня 2013 г.

Experience of moderation

 At last, I have reached this section of my work. Well, due to Novikova Y.B. I have learned many-many-many things about which I didn't know anything at all. Really. THANK YOU! Yes, sometimes it was difficult to do all the tasks together with the weekly tasks, but it was worth that in any case!

My personal project on Speech Practice and Peddesign Course - The Moon and Sixpence by Maugham.

I adore this project in spite of much time I have spent on it.. It's a marvellous practice for me in doing such things. I think, it's not bad.

The Moon and Sixpence. Checking Comprehension 

Christmas Blog
My work as a moderator began in term V when we have launched the Christmas project. That project was marvellous, despite the fact that it was rather long and very difficult from different points of view. Many posts, many commentaries and 5 TESTS.. Oh.. Due to received information I could enrich my own vocabulary with words connected with Russian holidays.

Test Draft

Holiday Blogs
It is a great sourse for those who are interested in culture of either English-speaking people (America and Britain, as well) or Russia, actually. Numerous daily posts about famous people's lives or international and traditional holidays will help you to understand better what English-speaking people are, what traditioanal holidays and customs are. What is more, due to this source you can learn when is the birthday of your favourite American actor, or singer, or sportsman, for example.

Excel table

In the World of Movies Blog: Oscar Project
As I have already said, Oscar Project was a good opportunity to try to be in touch with events in which we, students of the faculty of foreign languages, are interested. What is more, we tried to predict who would be the best actor or actress or what picture could be the best one. May be our predictions were wrong, but the activity itself was excited. So, here is what we have now:

Oscar 2013

Oscar table

Grammar Blog

Grammar-grammar.. It is very difficult for us, to tell the truth. In this blog you can take many grammar rules (principal ones) to understand English grammar better and in an appropriate way. So, I was working on the field of 3rd-year grammar rules and mainly with my groupmates. For me, it was a good chance to learn how it's difficult to give right recommendations to the students and to see how they can do all the tasks in the wrong way or just do nothing. And I have understood greatly that the best gift to the teacher (moderator, as well) is the RESULT of his activity. Having seen the harvest of my work, I was really happy! =)

And the last thing, but not least is..
YEAR III Group 31(2) Blog

Well, this blog is another example of how a teacher can use blogs in teaching of the students and the result of the activity depends on how effectively he uses it.  To be honest, I don't think that our group's blog is used effectively, because our teacher don't take any part in its development.